Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Passion vs. Experience

For those people who are close to me, they know that I've been eyeing to work in an art institution or in a gallery. I was interviewed last week by this big art institution and I couldn't believe my luck. But before that, I had a previous job interview with a portrait studio, my first ever job interview. 

The portrait studio asked me to try out for 3 days in one of their branches. I happily agreed since it was just a try out. I can still back out if I wanted to. I went to the first  two days of the try out. It was a happy environment, too happy I must say. But I like the employees! Crazy ones! But I guess my heart wasn't really there because  what I wanted to experience wasn't in that environment. 

On the third day, the operations manager will conduct a second interview that will determine if I'll go through the training. And that morning and the night before, I was so restless on what to do. I consulted seven people regarding my situation and received mixed responses.

I was ready to accept it but then my sister talked to me. She was really against it. So the feeling came back again to me. It was passion versus experience. Yes, if I accepted the job offer, I will gain experience especially it was photography. But my passion was art, art photography. 

In the end, I followed my heart on this one. I declined the offer. Not a day goes by that I don't regret my decision.

It took a lot of courage to do that, knowing that I could be earning now. My future is really uncertain. No call backs, no scheduled interview. But I am not giving up my dream, my passion. 

How about you? 

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